Professional Learning Opportunity Database For Teachers

Professional Learning Opportunity Database For Teachers

SubjectToClimate has created a Professional Learning Opportunity database to help teachers become climate educators.

September 21, 2022 - SubjectToClimate has launched a Professional Learning Opportunity (PLO) database. In doing so SubjectToClimate fills a void, as there are very few websites that compile PLOs about climate change. Our PLO database features a comprehensive list of PLOs about climate change with logistical information about cost, format, and time.


Our database is designed to overcome the barriers that keep educators from teaching about climate change. Educators will find learning opportunities, from credible sources, designed to deepen their knowledge of climate change and equip them with the best practices for teaching the subject.


 Julie Kwong, a former teacher and current SubjectToClimate Product Manager, notes: "When I was a teacher, I often searched online for professional development with little success. Knowing that experienced teachers and scientists have done the important work of curating these learning opportunities in one place for teachers who want to boost their climate learning but are limited on time is incredible. I am thrilled that teachers and administrators can access this!"


Most of today’s teachers did not receive formal education on climate change, leaving them with significant knowledge gaps on a complex topic. In particular, many teachers feel incapable of effectively incorporating climate change topics into their classrooms. Educators require professional development to overcome these barriers. Teachers can feel confident that they are engaging with accurate and up-to-date climate change content when participating in any of the professional learning opportunities in our curated database. 

Key Features:

  • Filter opportunities by type, topics, format, grade, and more. 
  • Provides background information about the organization hosting the opportunity.
  • Each PLO has been checked for credibility. 
  • Notes opportunities that provide continuing education credits. 

Accessing our database is completely free; however, some courses may have associated costs. Currently, our PLO database offers courses, guides, and workshops on topics from climate change basics to pedagogical strategies, with more to come! Sign up for our SubjectToClimate newsletter or register on our website and stay informed on upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities.


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SubjectToClimate is a nonprofit online connector for K-12 educators of all subjects to find credible and engaging materials on climate change at no cost. Our goal is to make climate change teaching and learning accessible to all.

All resources can be used for your educational purposes with proper attribution to the content provider.