Food and Climate Change Guide For High School Students

Food and Climate Change Guide For High School Students

Explore this Guide

Welcome to our high school Food and Climate Change Guide! Find any type of resource you may need, from in-depth lesson plans and interactive experiments to scientist-reviewed videos and articles. Our hand-picked, ready-to-use resources will help facilitate impactful discussions surrounding food production and food waste in your classroom!

Lesson Plans

Promote empathy and critical thinking with these in-depth lesson and unit plans that dive into important Indigenous and global perspectives surrounding food's social and environmental impacts. 

Persuasive Writing Lesson: Food Insecurity

Persuasive Writing Lesson: Food Insecurity

In this lesson, students learn about food deserts and food inequalities by analyzing a map and scientific texts.

Persuasive Writing Lesson: Food Insecurity

More Lesson Plans

Food and Climate Change
Indigenous Storytelling: An Opinion Writing Lesson
Global Hunger Course

Looking for More Free Teaching Tips, Bundles & Classroom Resources?

Games & Activities

Get students engaged and invested in food systems with these unique games and activities that highlight real-world food issues and solutions.



In this fun game, students explore interactions between population and agricultural practices.


More Games & Activities

Making Space for Food
Food for Thought Action Toolkit
To Farm or Not to Farm

Videos & Reading Resources

Start building food topics into your curriculum with engaging videos and digestible articles. These resources cover the environmental impacts of food production and the importance of sustainability in addressing global warming.

Urban Farmers' Almanac

Urban Farmers' Almanac

This resource serves as a guide to making better, more sustainable decisions in your neighborhoods. Students can explore a variety of options, such as shifting to a plant-based diet or beginning to compost at home. Your class will learn there is a lot they can do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect our earth’s ecosystems.

Urban Farmers' Almanac

More Videos & Reading Resources

Is Organic Really Better? Healthy Food or Trendy Scam?
Reduced Food Waste
Food Waste Causes Climate Change. Here's How We Stop It.

Partner Resources

Looking to bring more food discussions and activities into your classroom? Our partners have you covered! Check out these amazing climate education resources from our partner, Educated Choices Program!

The Planet and Our Plates
Future of Food: Cell-based & Plant-based Technologies
The Environment and Modern Agriculture
Our Carbon Foodprint

Climate Change Explainers

Does fertilizer impact climate change?

Does Fertilizer Impact Climate Change?

Learn more about the role fertilizers play in climate change.

Does Climate Change Affect Agriculture?

Does Climate Change Affect Agriculture?

This article explores how food systems and agriculture relate to climate change.

What are Biofuels?

What are Biofuels?

Learn more about what biofuel is and its connection to climate change.

Next Steps

Start discussing food production and food waste in your classroom today. By utilizing the hands-on lesson plans, outdoor activities, and exciting visual resources within this interactive guide, you can empower your students to become engaged and conscious decision-makers when it comes to food and the impacts of climate change. Explore to find high school resources on food, climate action, global climate change, and more!

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