Climate Education
Essentials Courses

SubjectToClimate Announces Climate Education Essentials Courses and new NEA Climate Education micro-credentials

SubjectToClimate is launching a three-module professional development program for teachers to better understand how to integrate climate education into what they already teach. These Climate Education Essentials Courses are an excellent entry point for educators to be able to collect Climate Education micro-credentials created via a partnership with the National Education Association (NEA) and This is Planet Ed.

SubjectToClimate is announcing the launch of a three-step training program that teaches educators the fundamentals of climate education. Knowledge from these courses will in turn aid educators in completing any of the six climate education micro-credentials now available through the National Education Association (NEA). We are so excited to launch this feature for educators to engage in professional development on climate change education, and are very happy to partner with the NEA and This is Planet Ed so that educators can showcase their mastery of this topic. 

For over two years, the Teacher Community department at SubjectToClimate has worked with teachers to train them on writing K-12 inquiry-based climate lesson plans in all disciplines. Using our expertise based on working with educators from a variety of locations, subjects, and grade levels, our team built a three-module training program for teachers to become more proficient in climate change education:

  • Level 0 reviews fundamental information about climate change and climate science;
  • Level 1 goes over pedagogical strategies for teaching climate change and incorporating it into existing curriculum;
  • And Level 2 guides educators through the process of creating exemplar lesson plans that integrate climate change into whatever subject and grade level they teach.

The training is self-paced and is estimated to take 14 hours to complete.

Micro-credentials are used to recognize an educator’s proficiency in a specific subject matter or area. The NEA currently offers micro-credentials in 175+ areas, which are free for members to complete and cost $75 for non-members. The NEA asked SubjectToClimate and This is Planet Ed (an initiative of the Aspen Institute) to create and co-brand six micro-credentials in climate education:

  • Climate awareness;
  • Climate justice;
  • Mitigating climate change; 
  • Adapting to climate change;
  • Community outreach for climate change; 
  • And integrating climate change into classroom instruction.

Margaret Wang, COO of SubjectToClimate, expresses,

“We are delighted to partner with the NEA and This is Planet Ed to offer micro-credentials so that teachers have a tangible way to showcase their knowledge of climate change. This is a signal that these skills are imperative for ALL educators.” 


National Education Association

National Education Association

The National Education Association (NEA) is an organization of 3 million educators and allies working to advance justice and excellence in public education.





SubjectToClimate is a nonprofit online connector for K-12 educators of all subjects to find credible and engaging materials on climate change at no cost. 




This is Planet Ed

This is Planet Ed

This is Planet Ed, an initiative of the Energy and Environment Program of the Aspen Institute, seeks to unlock the power of education as a force for climate action, climate solutions, and environmental justice. Their goal is to empower the next generation to lead a sustainable, resilient, and equitable future.