Women and Climate Change Guide

Women and Climate Change Guide

March is Women’s History Month — the perfect time to celebrate and honor the role of women in climate action! Gender inequality negatively impacts women and girls all over the world, but did you know that it also has a negative impact on the Earth?


Even though women and girls face disproportionate challenges, they still show up to fight for a cleaner, greener Earth as scientists, policymakers, activists, artists, and educators. As a teacher, you know how important it is to bring the stories of women’s participation and climate change impacts into the classroom to help empower your students!

Lessons By Teachers

Explore our collection of ready-to-use lesson plans, created by teachers like you, that aim to educate students on the significance of empowering women as a means to combat climate change by understanding the impacts of climate change on livelihoods and promoting gender equality.

Wangari Maathai & Deforestation
How Can Education Be a Solution to Climate Change?
What’s the Best Solution to Climate Change?

Comprehensive Unit Plans

Use our multi-lesson unit plans to teach students about the role of women in environmental and climate action, emphasizing their decision-making roles and the importance of women’s empowerment in sustainable development.

Art for the Earth Unit Plan

Credible Teaching Resources

Utilize these engaging resources that show how women are involved in tackling climate change to initiate important discussions about gender equity, girls' education, human rights, and climate activism in your classroom. 

Change the World
Change the World
Hello Dr. Jane!
Hello Dr. Jane!
Girls and Education
Girls and Education
Women Inequalities
Women Inequalities

Blogs For Teachers

Learn how to integrate our women and climate resources into your daily lessons. These resources include initiatives and action plans to address climate crisis.

Girls' Education and Climate Change

Girls' Education and Climate Change

While they may not seem to be connected, girls' education and climate change are intrinsically linked. In fact, they are far more related than many of us realize.

Climate Change Lab Activities

Climate Change Lab Activities

Women are often under-represented in STEM fields. Help to challenge that narrative by incorporating lab activities into your classroom to help inspire a future generation of scientists and engineers, focusing on topics like greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable development.

News for Students

Share women's achievements in environmental and climate action using our news articles tailored for different reading levels.

11-year-old Climate Activist

Stay informed on current events

Pakistan's First Woman Architect
Barbie Doll of Dr. Jane Goodall
Women Save Manta Rays
Alana Leitão Saves Sea Turtles
Anika Puri Invents a Tool
Brittany Baldrica Frees a Dolphin


Professional Learning

Professional development courses, workshops, and more.

ClimateSocrates Articles 

Climate science articles written in collaboration with MIT.

Professional Learning

Discover credible learning opportunities designed to deepen your climate change knowledge and equip you with best practices for teaching about effects of climate change.

ClimateSocrates Articles 

ClimateSocrates Help Desk provides teachers with supplementary sources on climate change topics and pedagogical strategies directly from the resource or lesson plan page they are viewing.

Next Steps

Discover resources for teaching students about the pivotal role of women's leadership in tackling climate change. This guide, suitable for grades K-12, emphasizes themes like "Agents of Change" and climate solutions. Whether it's a lesson plan, a video, or an article, find materials that connect sustainability and well-being with the empowerment of women and girls. Whether you are looking for a comprehensive standards-aligned lesson plan, a quick video, or a pedagogical article for yourself, you will be able to find it here or check out our other guides, popular blogs, and blog series below!

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