Wisconsin Climate Education Hub
Press Release

Wisconsin Climate Education Hub - Press Release

SubjectToClimate Announces the Wisconsin Climate Education Hub

SubjectToClimate is partnering with Wisconsin stakeholders to launch an online platform with resources to support Wisconsin educators in implementing the Wisconsin Standards for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability as well as other Wisconsin academic standards.

SubjectToClimate is announcing the launch of the Wisconsin Climate Education Hub. We are excited to launch this Hub, which builds on the Department of Public Instruction’s open education library of climate change resources within their WISELearn Resource Library. . The Hub was developed in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Milwaukee Public Schools, and other Wisconsin-based climate change and educational organizations. This Hub will help Wisconsin teachers to implement the Wisconsin Standards for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability and teach to academic standards across other content areas. 


The Wisconsin Climate Education Hub uses the digital infrastructure of SubjectToClimate’s Core Platform to provide educators with free, credible, engaging resources on climate change education. The Wisconsin Hub includes:

  • High-quality teaching resources (e.g. lesson plans, readings and curricular materials) from SubjectToClimate’s Core Platform aligned to Wisconsin Academic Standards
  • Links to general and Wisconsin-specific professional learning opportunities 
  • Exemplar WI-centric lesson plans written by Wisconsin teachers
  • News articles for students that can be differentiated by grade level
  • ClimateSocrates, a chat tool developed in partnership with MIT to answer basic climate change and pedagogical questions


Victoria Rydberg-Nania, environmental education consultant at the Wisconsin DPI says, “We are so excited to share the TeachWisconsinClimate.org site with educators. SubjectToClimate’s vetting process for resources provides us with the confidence to know that what we are putting into the hands of educators is scientifically-based and educationally sound.”


In addition to the Hub’s initial launch, SubjectToClimate is training a cohort of Milwaukee Public School teachers to publish Wisconsin-centric exemplar lesson plans on the Hub. This training is led by SubjectToClimate and Milwaukee Public Schools’ Climate Justice Instructional Coach Kimberly Talarico. Margaret Wang, COO of SubjectToClimate, states, "The more that we integrate climate change across subjects, as discussed in the Wisconsin Standards for Environmental Literacy and Sustainability, the better understanding students will have of climate change, justice, and ultimately action." The aim of both the Hub and the training is to “provide educators the means to do so that they can inspire climate action among their students.”

Join this virtual launch event on September 27 from 4:00-5:00 PM CST, when we will explore the Hub’s features and hear how Wisconsin educators are integrating climate change education in their classroom.

Julia Turner


The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is the state agency that advances public education and libraries in Wisconsin.

SubjectToClimate  is a nonprofit online connector for K-12 educators of all subjects to find credible and engaging materials on climate change at no cost.

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